Author Archives: admin

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Music Matters!

One of my bed­side books for the past few months has been: Musi­cophil­ia, Tales of Music and The Brain by Oliv­er Sacks. I think I’ve men­tioned before that I rarely read a new book from front to back at first open­ing!  Accord­ing to his bio Oliv­er Sacks is a pro­fes­sor of neu­rol­o­gy and psy­chi­a­try at Columbia […]

A Clean Baby Is a Happy Baby and Other Trivia

When you work in insti­tu­tion­al child­care (can I call them ‘day orphan­ages’?) there are many things that con­tribute to a child’s well being – or oth­er­wise. Of course, the man­ners and atti­tudes of the staff play a big part in how a child behaves. It also mat­ters if staff por­trays an over­ly upbeat and cheerful […]

Brilliant Experience!

A lit­tle over a week ago I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the most awe­some pro­gramme of my life. Sep­tem­ber marks 40 years since I start­ed my teacher train­ing (com­plet­ed in 1972) in Eng­land — against the odds but that’s anoth­er sto­ry!  My recent inten­sive week study­ing the prac­ti­cal work of Hun­gar­i­ans Mag­da Ger­ber and Emmi Pik­ler as it […]

Did You Know?

There are actu­al­ly par­ents out there in the world who can’t take their 3 year old and their infant to the super­mar­ket, togeth­er? That was a con­ver­sa­tion I over­heard between sev­er­al moth­ers this week! I was aston­ished. Not that I haven’t heard it before. Peo­ple for whom I’ve worked in the past have told me “I […]

Understanding Children’s Needs

The con­ver­sa­tion that’s ring­ing in my ears was one I had in Jan­u­ary with my dear friend in Nebras­ka. She was relat­ing that one of her grand­chil­dren had come down with chick­en pox (despite the vac­ci­na­tion!) and that since her health was so vul­ner­a­ble (pan­cre­at­ic can­cer) she couldn’t be around him. She also recalled that […]

Great Book!

I always knew there had to be oth­er peo­ple around who thought like me about liv­ing crea­tures and last month I found one of them.  One of those peo­ple is Mon­ty Roberts. The author of ‘The Man Who Lis­tens to Hors­es’. The book I allud­ed to in my last post. You may know of him as the […]

Understanding Tenderness

Found this blog, in my unpost­ed blog file, which goes along with the book I am cur­rent­ly read­ing — more of that lat­er. All vul­ner­a­ble liv­ing crea­tures rec­og­nize their need for ten­der­ness, and gen­tle­ness. They rec­og­nize it even more when they receive it just when need­ed. I encoun­tered a sit­u­a­tion a few weeks ago with a […]


A lit­tle over year ago I’d had one year to get in the habit of writ­ing every day and post­ing to this blog. Those of you who have been curi­ous about my writ­ing will be aware that I’ve writ­ten inter­mit­tent­ly since last year when I final­ly found a pay­ing job that I had been wish­ing for […]

My Car

My car is a stick shift 1973 VW Super Bee­tle that I bought in 1976. Since that year was the 200th anniver­sary of the Unit­ed States the price stat­ed in the For Sale ad was $1776 – I think we agreed upon $1500 as a suit­able sale price. Pro­rat­ing the cost over the past 33 years […]


I just can’t believe that Maria meant teach­ers not to talk to the chil­dren in their class­rooms. There seems to be a pre­vail­ing so-called ‘Montessori train­ing’ that advis­es teach­ers of babies, tod­dlers and 3–6 year olds to just sit back and ‘observe’. How on earth can chil­dren learn their lan­guage? It’s even more impor­tant when […]