Monthly Archives: January 2011

Should We Be ‘Teaching’ A Foreign Language To Infants?

Jan 14th, 2011

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With so many tod­dlers and chil­dren under 5 (in my expe­ri­ence) show­ing seri­ous lan­guage delays (recep­tive and expres­sive) are we real­ly doing any­one a favour by try­ing to teach infants a for­eign lan­guage (from 9 months “when the synaps­es are at their opti­mum” as was recent­ly quot­ed to me). Our pro­gramme con­tains numer­ous chil­dren and their […]

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Using Language With Babies

Jan 8th, 2011

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I’ve thought about this before: What makes my con­ver­sa­tions with babies dif­fer­ent from oth­er car­ers? Why have the babies and chil­dren I’ve cared for indi­vid­u­al­ly made excel­lent lin­guis­tic progress? This week I realised what makes the dif­fer­ence and how that exper­tise can be incor­po­rat­ed into a day­care sit­u­a­tion. When I’m hold­ing an old­er infant who […]

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