First­ly — I am Eng­lish. After that, I am:

Care­giv­er + Home Edu­ca­tor + Teacher + Daugh­ter + Wife + Moth­er + Sis­ter + Sis­ter-in-law + Friend + Cousin + Aun­tie + Writer + Pen­friend + Cook + Dream­er + Gar­den­er + Trav­eller + Sailor + Advi­sor + House­hold Man­ag­er + Knitter +
Seam­stress + Vol­un­teer + Geneal­o­gist + Cock­atiel Own­er + Read­er + Learner + ?.…..

These words, in ever-chang­ing order and com­bi­na­tions, with addi­tions yet to come, best describe what I do and who I am.

I am usu­al­ly sev­er­al of these peo­ple at the same time!

My ances­tors are pur­port­ed to have come from Por­tu­gal, France and Ire­land. I now have rel­a­tives by mar­riage from India, Aus­tria, Rus­sia and the U.S. with adopt­ed fam­i­ly from Trinidad. I belong to a tru­ly mul­ti­cul­tur­al group. We are a friend­ly mix of athe­ists, agnos­tics, Protes­tants, Catholics and Jews, by choice, her­itage and marriage.