I am a British teacher with a Certificate in Education, specialising in the 3 to 7 year age group, from Brentwood College of Education, Essex, England (then part of the Cambridge Institute of Education, now absorbed by Anglia Ruskin University).
I have been a caregiver and teacher for infants through to a 103 year old Alzheimer’s patient and just about every age and several disabilities in between, including stroke victims, those with Down’s Syndrome from 3 to 50 years of age and a variety of other developmental and language delays. Lastly, but by no means least, for 10 years I have helped my husband rehabilitate himself from devastating medical challenges — he’s a miracle!
My passion now is working with infants and children under age 3 years (the younger the better) because I truly believe I have found some of the keys to averting developmental delays.
I have learned much about the psychology of care giving and survival in the past 31 years, and learned even more than I expected in the past 10 years. Yet each caregiving opportunity paved the way for me to develop special abilities and knowledge which gave me strength for the challenges of 10 years ago.
Tender loving care REALLY works, be it giving or receiving. It used to be called “mothering” and was a much-valued occupation!
I have had a special guide and friend during these years. She is most of all a well-grounded true and caring friend but also a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and step-grandmother — of many!
She has steered me through my darkest times. The only person who could truly hear the words I needed to say and answer the questions I needed answered. I am so grateful for having her in my life.
I am blessed by her thoughtfulness, wisdom and insight.
My two sons have shown me what human beings can become if they are given the timely and appropriate opportunities to be the best they can be. All my own opportunities have come from firstly being guided for them and now being guided by them.
I am most grateful to them to still be sharing their lives and their music with me and their father. Their love and wisdom is constant.