“Hey Helen…” from Brain Pick­ings’ Newslet­ter – so ably writ­ten by Maria Popova.

From yesterday’s selec­tion of reviews Maria has a sec­tion on The Mag­ic of Metaphor


This is so inter­est­ing — on my usu­al theme of babies and young chil­dren. I would agree that chil­dren might not under­stand what it means to be a cold or warm per­son when you ask them, using words, before they’re sev­en or pos­si­bly older.

How­ev­er, every tiny baby and tod­dler knows the dif­fer­ence between a warm and a cold person! 

A warm per­son is always easy to crawl to and snug­gle with…and a cold per­son always makes babies cry! ALWAYS!