Monthly Archives: November 2008


Nov 29th, 2008

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I just can’t believe that Maria meant teach­ers not to talk to the chil­dren in their class­rooms. There seems to be a pre­vail­ing so-called ‘Montessori train­ing’ that advis­es teach­ers of babies, tod­dlers and 3–6 year olds to just sit back and ‘observe’. How on earth can chil­dren learn their lan­guage? It’s even more impor­tant when […]

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If Day Care is So Good…

Nov 29th, 2008

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Why don’t chil­dren from the inner city speak more clear­ly in high school? Why don’t foot­ball play­ers, even those who are attend­ing major col­leges, speak bet­ter? Why does it appear to have become the norm in Eng­land to say ‘wiv’ instead of ‘with’. Why is it that chil­dren from many mid­dle class homes AREN’T learning […]

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Can “mediocre” childcare cause speech delays?

Nov 29th, 2008

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I’m not just refer­ring to cheap child­care. Even child­care that is expen­sive and pur­ports to offer ‘spe­cial’ meth­ods can still be mediocre.  Parental care can be mediocre even when the par­ent is oth­er­wise well qual­i­fied in their pro­fes­sion­al field like ele­men­tary school teach­ers, or when the par­ent titles them­selves an ‘at home moth­er’ or an […]

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The Dyzniphication of Young Girls’ Minds

Nov 29th, 2008

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In the light of women’s so-called lib­er­a­tion I have been per­turbed by the over­whelm­ing num­ber of fan­tas­magor­i­cal films that very young girls watch – those under 10 for sure, and often under 5 years of age!  Mar­riage, romance (hand­some prince) and even sex are ide­alised. Even to the point that for Hal­loween the father dress­es as […]

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