In the light of women’s so-called lib­er­a­tion I have been per­turbed by the over­whelm­ing num­ber of fan­tas­magor­i­cal films that very young girls watch – those under 10 for sure, and often under 5 years of age! 

Mar­riage, romance (hand­some prince) and even sex are ide­alised. Even to the point that for Hal­loween the father dress­es as the hand­some prince and girls dress as the princess.

We are train­ing up our girls in the way they will go. Even moth­ers who are oth­er­wise suc­cess­ful in their busi­ness or pro­fes­sion­al worlds seem to think it’s OK for their daugh­ters to be over­ex­posed to such fan­ta­sy worlds. I guess for such women TV’s soap operas and girlie series form their own val­ue sys­tem, so what should we expect for their daughters? 

I have noth­ing against the occa­sion­al such films, but when girls watch them every day, 7 days a week, I con­sid­er it to be con­vey­ing an over­whelm­ing bias towards a fan­ta­sy life. 

It’s no dif­fer­ent from offer­ing young boys vio­lent fisticuffs films – we don’t like that and realise that it tends to cre­ate old­er boys with vio­lent tendencies.

If that is so why can we not see that a sim­i­lar yet oppo­site effect might hap­pen to girls?

Any­thing in excess is bad for us – we all know that.

Thus I have cre­at­ed the term in my blog title – par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to films direct­ed at young girls.

I’ll have to come up with a sim­i­lar term for films direct­ed at young boys. 

Mean­while let’s find a bal­ance and set some stan­dards for bring­ing up our chil­dren in the real world.