Monthly Archives: February 2007

Things Your Mother Couldn’t Teach You

Feb 22nd, 2007

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My dis­claimer: I am nei­ther a doc­tor nor a nurse, nor have I ever played one on TV! As I con­tem­plate on life’s lessons I recall that day in mid-August 1999 when my sons and I brought my hus­band, M, home from the nurs­ing home to which he’d been con­signed for reha­bil­i­ta­tion fol­low­ing a long hos­pi­tal stay. […]

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Three years and counting

Feb 15th, 2007

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This blog has been in the works for over 3 years. Final­ly I am encour­aged to take the advice to make this big step, tak­en from the first quote I put in my book notes near­ly 10 years ago: “Be Bold and Mighty Forces will Come to Your Aid” Goethe I now have a blog name, […]

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