This blog has been in the works for over 3 years. Final­ly I am encour­aged to take the advice to make this big step, tak­en from the first quote I put in my book notes near­ly 10 years ago:

“Be Bold and Mighty Forces will Come to Your Aid” Goethe

I now have a blog name, years of notes and many years of expe­ri­ence to write about.

My pow­er of obser­va­tion goes back to when I was very young, before I was taint­ed and my opin­ions quashed by for­mal edu­ca­tion, which began at the age of 4 3/4 years when I first entered a school of any sort.

Those opinins, mild though they were in my youth, were usu­al­ly den­i­grat­ed in some form or oth­er and thus one learns to keep one’s opin­ions to one­self for a long, long time.

I have been writ­ing with lit­tle or no encour­age­ment and even less pro­duc­tiv­i­ty since I was in my ear­ly teens, as I recall. Any abil­i­ty to write was cer­tain­ly nev­er reflect­ed in my abil­i­ties at school or college.

Writ­ing in the form of long let­ters real­ly came into being with my emi­gra­tion to the U.S. in late 1972 and total sep­a­ra­tion from my home coun­try and fam­i­ly. In those days over­seas phone calls were very expen­sive and too emo­tion­al to endure.

So I start­ed writ­ing long week­ly let­ters home. Sim­ply recount­ing what my hus­band and I had done dur­ing the week. Lat­er, after the birth of our two sons, there were pho­tos to share and hap­py mile­stones to recount. Vis­its back home to Eng­land were nev­er a pre­dictable annu­al event.

The past 15 years in par­tic­u­lar have been event­ful and thought­ful in almost too many ways to recount. I kept a dai­ly jour­nal for the sec­ond half of 1999, for rea­sons which in time will become appar­ent, I try to keep a trav­el jour­nal and each year I write a long annu­al newslet­ter which I may or may not send out with my Christ­mas card! But at least I have an his­tor­i­cal record of what we’ve all done dur­ing the year.

In my malipuna­tions you will read about some of my Con­tem­pla­tions on Life’s Lessons ©.

Today is my day to “Be Bold”