Monthly Archives: April 2009

Understanding Tenderness

Apr 9th, 2009

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Found this blog, in my unpost­ed blog file, which goes along with the book I am cur­rent­ly read­ing — more of that lat­er. All vul­ner­a­ble liv­ing crea­tures rec­og­nize their need for ten­der­ness, and gen­tle­ness. They rec­og­nize it even more when they receive it just when need­ed. I encoun­tered a sit­u­a­tion a few weeks ago with a […]

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Apr 9th, 2009

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A lit­tle over year ago I’d had one year to get in the habit of writ­ing every day and post­ing to this blog. Those of you who have been curi­ous about my writ­ing will be aware that I’ve writ­ten inter­mit­tent­ly since last year when I final­ly found a pay­ing job that I had been wish­ing for […]

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