A little over year ago I’d had one year to get in the habit of writing every day and posting to this blog.
Those of you who have been curious about my writing will be aware that I’ve written intermittently since last year when I finally found a paying job that I had been wishing for for 2 years!
Be careful what you wish for!
The job has consumed my life for a year. I take my work with young children very seriously and get very upset and frustrated with people working with young children who don’t have the same attitude and moreover, aren’t willing to learn from anyone.
Each child’s physical safety, emotional security, health and finally, but probably most importantly, their general development, is of paramount importance to me. Any teacher or parent who doesn’t feel that way shouldn’t be around young children!
Having been consumed with the care of young children and planning how to assist some of the children so that they won’t experience developmental delays I have finally taken a leave of absence, firstly to visit my mother, now almost 90! Then a bit more time to try and regroup and ask myself which route I will be traveling for the balance of the year.
I feel lost when it comes to writing, nothing much is coming into my brain that I feel could be of value to any curious person.
So don’t be surprised if you see nothing on this blog while I regroup.
Perhaps writing isn’t for me or perhaps this is the natural down time that I so valued when our children were growing up – time for ideas to gel.
I’m taking time so as not to be lost forever!