A lit­tle over year ago I’d had one year to get in the habit of writ­ing every day and post­ing to this blog.

Those of you who have been curi­ous about my writ­ing will be aware that I’ve writ­ten inter­mit­tent­ly since last year when I final­ly found a pay­ing job that I had been wish­ing for for 2 years! 

Be care­ful what you wish for!

The job has con­sumed my life for a year. I take my work with young chil­dren very seri­ous­ly and get very upset and frus­trat­ed with peo­ple work­ing with young chil­dren who don’t have the same atti­tude and more­over, aren’t will­ing to learn from anyone.

Each child’s phys­i­cal safe­ty, emo­tion­al secu­ri­ty, health and final­ly, but prob­a­bly most impor­tant­ly, their gen­er­al devel­op­ment, is of para­mount impor­tance to me. Any teacher or par­ent who doesn’t feel that way shouldn’t be around young children!

Hav­ing been con­sumed with the care of young chil­dren and plan­ning how to assist some of the chil­dren so that they won’t expe­ri­ence devel­op­men­tal delays I have final­ly tak­en a leave of absence, first­ly to vis­it my moth­er, now almost 90! Then a bit more time to try and regroup and ask myself which route I will be trav­el­ing for the bal­ance of the year.

I feel lost when it comes to writ­ing, noth­ing much is com­ing into my brain that I feel could be of val­ue to any curi­ous person.

So don’t be sur­prised if you see noth­ing on this blog while I regroup.

Per­haps writ­ing isn’t for me or per­haps this is the nat­ur­al down time that I so val­ued when our chil­dren were grow­ing up – time for ideas to gel.

I’m tak­ing time so as not to be lost forever!