Monthly Archives: August 2007

Gardens and Children

Aug 11th, 2007

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I’m using the Eng­lish ver­sion of the word ‘gardens’. An Eng­lish gar­den doesn’t just mean a veg­etable patch – it’s the whole thing, flow­ers, shrubs, trees and all. The Eng­lish word for chil­dren is…children! So that part’s not com­pli­cat­ed. I’ve been attend­ing our local sum­mer land­scap­ing class (good idea to have it inside with A/C at […]

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Who do I tell?

Aug 10th, 2007

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Who do I tell when a child is over anx­ious in its own home? Who do I tell when a 6 month old has legs like jel­ly? Who do I tell when a 2 year old’s lan­guage dis­ap­pears? Who do I tell when a 6 year old has a melt­down over her spelling home­work? Who do I […]

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Aug 9th, 2007

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I think ‘lack of hug­ging’ is a miss­ing piece of the puz­zle with devel­op­men­tal­ly delayed chil­dren and most peo­ple who are ail­ing. I’ve writ­ten about this, in part, once before talk­ing about touch in one of my ear­li­est posts on March 2, 2007 “The Three Pri­ma­ry Sens­es” Being Eng­lish I didn’t come from a ‘hugging’ […]

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The Dark Ages of Education

Aug 6th, 2007

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Do you remem­ber your times table? It serves me well! Not to men­tion recit­ing the alpha­bet when going through the phone book! What else did we learn by rote mem­o­ri­sa­tion at a young age? I start­ed attend­ing a pri­vate Catholic pri­ma­ry school (one of only four protes­tant girls in that year) full time before I was 5 […]

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Will You Be My Mummy?

Aug 3rd, 2007

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Apart from hear­ing from my broth­er that my father had sud­den­ly died, the most painful words I’ve ever heard are “Will you be my Mummy?” I’ve men­tioned before that the lit­tle girl who asked me that ques­tion was just over 4 1/2 years old. I had cared for her part-time in her home from the […]

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