Who do I tell when a child is over anx­ious in its own home?

Who do I tell when a 6 month old has legs like jelly?

Who do I tell when a 2 year old’s lan­guage disappears?

Who do I tell when a 6 year old has a melt­down over her spelling homework?

Who do I tell when I fre­quent­ly see a child under 10 walk­ing the streets alone with his dog, know­ing his moth­er allows it?

Who do I tell when my neighbour’s babies cry all the time?

Who do I tell when a 3 year old makes no sounds – whatsoever?

Who do I tell when I see a father ‘play wrestling’ with his under-2-year-old daugh­ter and every time he push­es her in ‘the game’ to the point of cry­ing and then blames her?

Who do I tell when I learn that a tod­dler is reg­u­lar­ly left for sev­er­al hours in a playpen in the ‘care’ of her 80-year-old inca­pac­i­tat­ed grandfather?

Who do I tell when a 6 month old girl sits in the mid­dle of a room expres­sion­less and emo­tion­less, nev­er reach­ing for a toy even when encouraged?

Who do I tell when a ‘friend’ grabs her cry­ing 4‑year-old grand­daugh­ter, plops her on the couch and demands that she stop crying?

Who do I tell when an adult doesn’t change a child’s dia­per even when it’s worse than saturated?

Who do I tell when a pre­vi­ous­ly hap­py 3‑year-old goes into a pan­ic attack when her pater­nal grand­moth­er arrives unexpectedly?

Who do I tell when a father is out­side with his child on a swing and he doesn’t speak to her?

Who do I tell when 2‑year-old and 4‑year-old sib­lings run and hide in a clos­et when their grand­moth­er arrives say­ing “We don’t like grandma”?

Who do I tell when a moth­er remar­ries, has her wed­ding recep­tion and then leaves on her hon­ey­moon but has for­got­ten to organ­ise a bag of cloth­ing and trans­porta­tion to a care­giv­er for her 4 or 5‑year-old child from a pre­vi­ous marriage?

Who do I tell?