Monthly Archives: March 2012


Mar 9th, 2012

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Can ‘control’ issues cause ail­ments, dis­ease or devel­op­men­tal delays in infants, young chil­dren or adults, inhibit­ing heal­ing of many con­di­tions? I tru­ly believe it can hap­pen. It wasn’t until I got my moth­­er-in-law total­ly out of my life that I learned what retain­ing con­trol of one’s life could do to bet­ter the phys­i­cal body. She […]

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The Calm Parent

Mar 8th, 2012

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This arti­cle is from my 2008 col­lec­tion of unpost­ed blogs. With time on my hands (some­thing for anoth­er post) to read those unpost­ed arti­cles it is very inter­est­ing for me to note that my opin­ions haven’t changed much in four years — per­haps you have noticed the same? But now to my sub­ject of that […]

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