Monthly Archives: September 2010

Self Education

Sep 26th, 2010

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I had an inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion with my eldest son yes­ter­day. Involved as Dan is in the world of the web and design he is now in demand (around the world!) as a speak­er. This from some­one who only spent one year in school and per­haps 6 semes­ters in col­lege! Dan recent­ly gave a 5‑minute talk […]

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The Physical Care of Babies and Toddlers

Sep 26th, 2010

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Those of you who have read this blog, albeit inter­mit­tent­ly writ­ten in recent months, know that my main focus is the care, neu­rotyp­i­cal devel­op­ment and edu­ca­tion of all chil­dren. That being said I have a grave con­cern about the actu­al dai­ly phys­i­cal care that babies and tod­dlers receive from their par­ents and car­ers. Yes­ter­day I […]

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