Monthly Archives: July 2008

All In One Fine Day

Jul 20th, 2008

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On being around trop­i­cal plants, young peo­ple, deli­cious French pas­tries and his­to­ry — all com­bined in one fine day!  Sev­er­al months ago I was talk­ing to my neighbour’s 20-some­thing daugh­ter about orchids. A friend at work has been giv­ing her cut­tings from his orchids – how lucky is she? So, with her sis­ter, she is learn­ing to […]

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It’s the parents, stupid!

Jul 19th, 2008

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Hard­ly a day goes by when I don’t put two and two togeth­er and come up with – it’s the par­ents, stu­pid! Ear­li­er this year it was report­ed in the press that a 12-year-old boy was left in charge of a 17-month-old and anoth­er child, aged about 10. News­pa­per reports have yet to state whether […]

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