Monthly Archives: January 2008

Learning Naturally

Jan 29th, 2008

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As a pro­po­nent of learn­ing nat­u­ral­ly at home, at least for lit­tle ones, and for my own chil­dren find­ing that they learned bet­ter when ‘unschool­ing’ (a very nat­ur­al form of learn­ing), I was aston­ished to read recent­ly that researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Haifa in Israel  have ‘discovered’ that chil­dren with autism learn bet­ter in […]

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Can ‘Friendships’ Run a Natural Course?

Jan 27th, 2008

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Last night I was dis­tressed to find myself even con­tem­plat­ing such a thought. Most of my friend­ships date back either to the ear­li­est days of my child­hood or vir­tu­al­ly every aspect, age, age group and stage of my life in between. Some of my friends were old­er and won­der­ful­ly loy­al to me, as I was […]

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When common sense and logic no longer work.

Jan 25th, 2008

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All right, I know there are many peo­ple my age and old­er who are com­pe­tent on the com­put­er, and some much younger and less com­pe­tent, but com­pe­tence escapes me at times! The cries of “it’s log­i­cal” and “it’s com­mon sense” just tend to frus­trate me when lis­ten­ing to my 20 and 30-some­thing sons who are high […]

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For the good of any country

Jan 15th, 2008

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We need to seek out the gifts in every child and adult. When we deem infants consignable to mediocre day­care I believe we are depriv­ing them of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of being tru­ly pro­duc­tive cit­i­zens. When men and women over a ‘certain’ age (you decide) are no longer viewed as hav­ing a val­ue in the community, […]

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What would you think if:

Jan 11th, 2008

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A child wasn’t talk­ing by the time he was 3 or 4 years old? Once he was ‘diag­nosed’ and got inter­ven­tion he start­ed talk­ing and had gained flu­en­cy by the time he was 5. He still has no imag­i­na­tive play or sense of humour.  At age 5, on hol­i­day with his par­ents in his grand­par­ents’ house, he […]

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Writing, speaking, design

Jan 6th, 2008

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I’ve always strived to write well, more so in the last 10 years when the idea of ‘my book’ has been lin­ger­ing. Both my sons write well; the old­est one loves to write and is already a pub­lished author in his field. I believe I also speak clear­ly although my Eng­lish accent is still mis­un­der­stood (more […]

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