Monthly Archives: December 2007

The Survival of Curiosity

Dec 10th, 2007

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When I asked a ques­tion at home (there was no pre-school) the answers must sel­dom have suit­ed me because my response was always “I know, but…”. I was called “Miss I Know But”. I was also called a sloth (the dic­tio­nary gives one def­i­n­i­tion as ‘lazy and indolent’!).

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What were they thinking?

Dec 6th, 2007

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Pic­ture this sce­nario: a baby is born in a water bath (a warm hot tub) sur­round­ed by friends of the par­ents and the pater­nal grand­par­ents.  Moth­er nurs­es her baby and takes some time away from her full time med­ical stud­ies to ini­tial­ly care for her child. The child is still nurs­ing at a year but the […]

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