Monthly Archives: November 2009

A Specialist With A Child With…

Nov 14th, 2009

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I have dis­cov­ered yet anoth­er spe­cial­ist in autism who became an expert in the sub­ject fol­low­ing her daugh­ter’s diag­no­sis. She was a qual­i­fied physi­cian who went on to spe­cial­ize in…autism. My the­o­ry (rein­forced on at least a month­ly basis) has become: those with careers, or their own lives as their pri­or­i­ty, often are the parents […]

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Gesturing Increases Toddler Vocabulary

Nov 14th, 2009

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I have long thought that sim­ple ges­tures explain more clear­ly to very young chil­dren what response you are expect­ing from them. I got excel­lent feed­back for my dai­ly efforts at the day­care where I work when a 20 month-old, who I con­sid­er one of my ‘res­cue’ babies, sat at a table read­ing a truck book […]

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Joint Attention

Nov 14th, 2009

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Because the work I do with very young chil­dren is so well inte­grat­ed with­in the child and its dai­ly life when in a one-to-one care basis, I’ve rarely had to sep­a­rate the ter­mi­nol­o­gy of each lit­tle facet of how it all comes togeth­er. I sim­ply expect a child of 18 months to 2 years to […]

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