Monthly Archives: June 2010

Read This Book!

Jun 24th, 2010

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If you are a par­ent, par­tic­u­lar­ly of an infant or tod­dler (you still have time to cor­rect any mis­takes in care­giv­ing!) or con­tem­plat­ing becom­ing a par­ent, for­get about all the child­birth or ear­ly years books you think you need and focus on just this book – it fore­casts what will hap­pen to your child if […]

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Take Responsibility, Parents!

Jun 1st, 2010

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I know it’s unfash­ion­able to ‘blame’ par­ents for the behav­iour of their chil­dren but I think the time has come for every par­ent to accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for their chil­dren’s con­duct, even start­ing with a cry­ing infant. Let me be the first one to step up to the plate.  True con­fes­sions: After I’d spent five days in […]

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