Monthly Archives: March 2007

It’s the human contact – stupid!

Mar 27th, 2007

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Pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tions might ask me why I’m so open to meet­ing new peo­ple. I haven’t moved house in near­ly 26 years and I’m real­ly hap­py about feel­ing so per­ma­nent in so many ways – not that I can ever be an Amer­i­can, I’m Eng­lish still. But you just nev­er know who is round the cor­ner to […]

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Mother & Nanny

Mar 23rd, 2007

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These terms are much in use these days. In a recent dis­cus­sion with a friend we men­tioned ‘at home moth­er­s’. The phrase implies that the moth­er is not only ‘at home’ but that she is spend­ing much of her time inter­act­ing with her child/ren. Like­wise with the word ‘nanny’; com­mon­ly bandied about to describe the […]

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Why exercise matters.

Mar 17th, 2007

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I was most inter­est­ed to read recent­ly about a study on the val­ue of exer­cise and pos­si­ble increas­es in brain­pow­er. That’s real­ly a ‘duh’ moment!  Not just because of the brain­pow­er issue but because exer­cise seems to be the first line of defense for near­ly every con­di­tion imag­in­able.  Even para­plegics ben­e­fit from exer­cise.  Obvi­ous­ly anyone […]

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Life as I know it.

Mar 11th, 2007

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As ever, I am try­ing to sort out my life and my pos­ses­sions. Tedious. Because each time I try to sort through my ‘stuff’ var­i­ous ongo­ing relics of trau­ma cause me to relive those trau­mas even 7+ years lat­er. I’m pooped. I have reached a very demand­ing stage of life, espe­cial­ly since I had my […]

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The Three Primary Senses: Touch, Hearing and Sight (why they matter most)

Mar 2nd, 2007

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(But not for­get­ting Smell and Taste) I had lunch today with my new friend M who has Alzheimer’s. She’s 101 years old and has lit­tle else wrong with her except her mem­o­ry and hear­ing. She lives in an assist­ed liv­ing facil­i­ty. She has won­der­ful eye­sight (does­n’t wear glass­es!) and obvi­ous­ly uses her eyes to take an […]

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