Monthly Archives: October 2010

There’s Just So Much You Can Do…

Oct 30th, 2010

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If par­ents don’t get what you’re talk­ing about and insist on plac­ing their tiny infants in var­i­ous types of con­tain­ers and also putting them in front of a TV screen when they are at home or in the car, we care­givers can no longer be respon­si­ble for their child’s devel­op­men­tal delays. Thus far we’ve had […]

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Thieves of Freedom

Oct 10th, 2010

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Old cars that won’t start when you want them to! Boss­es who val­ue $$ above and beyond great employ­ees destroy­ing the high staff morale and capa­bli­ties the boss con­stant­ly tells his employ­ees he wants! Par­ents who care more about their cars, jobs, hair and fash­ion than they do their chil­dren. Boss­es who say one thing […]

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