Monthly Archives: March 2008


Mar 23rd, 2008

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I’ve fan­ta­sized since I start­ed post­ing over a year ago about hav­ing a ‘blog of note’, at least when it came to its design. Whether the posts match up to the com­plete redesign is up for debate! Dan Rubin is my design­er of note. This Christ­mas present from him three months ago was some­thing totally […]

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The Daycared Bunch (originally written in January!)

Mar 23rd, 2008

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The major miss­ing link for any child in day­care is a lov­ing and long-term rela­tion­ship with a spe­cif­ic car­er (obvi­ous­ly not the moth­er). The sec­ondary miss­ing link is the arti­fi­cial nature of almost every­thing a child learns and the words they hear.  Thus the impov­er­ished nature of the speech and com­pre­hen­sion of so many chil­dren under […]

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29 Days of Fun — Days 20–29

Mar 22nd, 2008

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Days 20–29 are some­thing of a blur! Some­where in the mid­dle we went to a Rounders’ show on the west coast – an enjoy­able week­end break and always a plea­sure to hear them sing. Oth­er­wise it’s get­ting up – or should I say being called at 6.30, 6.35 and final­ly 6.40 a.m. to say that […]

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29 Days of Fun ‑Days 18 & 19

Mar 21st, 2008

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As I write this we are already get­ting to the end of March. Due to my ear­ly ris­ing – 6.30 a.m. (not me at all!) each day for ‘work’ I have been pret­ty brain fried as far as writ­ing is con­cerned. How­ev­er by Day 18 I was antic­i­pat­ing my first day at work – the […]

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