I’ve fan­ta­sized since I start­ed post­ing over a year ago about hav­ing a ‘blog of note’, at least when it came to its design. Whether the posts match up to the com­plete redesign is up for debate! Dan Rubin is my design­er of note. This Christ­mas present from him three months ago was some­thing total­ly unexpected. 

As ever, he spent his valu­able time giv­ing con­sid­er­able thought to what would work for me, and my blog, now and in the future. I’m grate­ful for this spe­cial gift.

2008 start­ed out to be a year of learn­ing for me. There are some changes in how I use the blog and also there needs to be a slight change in my writ­ing process. As I return to autopi­lot mode for my writ­ing and post­ing things will become easier.

Work has inter­vened some­what on my writ­ing and my brain but the habits I devel­oped last year may be final­ly pay­ing off!

Belat­ed­ly — Thanks Dan!