Monthly Archives: March 2010
Nationalised Healthcare for America?
Growing up in England in my first 26 years, born immediately post WWII, I was the recipient of excellent health care from the brand new British nationalised health system, the NHS (National Health Service). There was always the option of paying privately to have any surgery performed more promptly and avoiding the NHS waiting list. […]
A Totally Different Topic
I’ve never put this in writing before — bras really suck! Since Warners discontinued my favourite bra of the last 10 years or more, I have been struggling to keep the last two going. One Saturday last month was the big day — and I do mean BIG! Do you know how big and ugly even small-size […]
Should I Tweet?
I really don’t think so! However, I am learning the lingo of tweeting and it’s all quite amusing. So here’s my pseudo-tweet for today from one mother to another (I just learned that ‘OH’ means overheard!): OH: You know the milk (breast milk) goes when you introduce solid food. Oh give me a break! I told […]
I’m posting again! As I mentioned in my last post of 2009 I started a college course in January. It has absorbed much of my writing and reading time since, but how exciting it’s been! Of course learning new computer programmes has been challenging but now that my son has set me up with some […]
I’m not surprised.
Just found my notes on an interesting LA Times blog from February 23rd 2010, relating that parents don’t see the early (in the first year) signs of autism. (No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get the web link to work right now! You’ll have to copy and paste): In my experience […]