Monthly Archives: March 2010

Nationalised Healthcare for America?

Mar 20th, 2010

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Grow­ing up in Eng­land in my first 26 years, born imme­di­ate­ly post WWII, I was the recip­i­ent of excel­lent health care from the brand new British nation­alised health sys­tem, the NHS (Nation­al Health Ser­vice). There was always the option of pay­ing pri­vate­ly to have any surgery per­formed more prompt­ly and avoid­ing the NHS wait­ing list. […]

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A Totally Different Topic

Mar 11th, 2010

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I’ve nev­er put this in writ­ing before — bras real­ly suck! Since Warn­ers dis­con­tin­ued my favourite bra of the last 10 years or more, I have been strug­gling to keep the last two going. One Sat­ur­day last month was the big day — and I do mean BIG! Do you know how big and ugly even small-size […]

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Should I Tweet?

Mar 10th, 2010

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I real­ly don’t think so! How­ev­er, I am learn­ing the lin­go of tweet­ing and it’s all quite amus­ing. So here’s my pseu­­do-tweet for today from one moth­er to anoth­er (I just learned that ‘OH’ means over­heard!): OH: You know the milk (breast milk) goes when you intro­duce sol­id food. Oh give me a break! I told […]

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Mar 10th, 2010

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I’m post­ing again! As I men­tioned in my last post of 2009 I start­ed a col­lege course in Jan­u­ary. It has absorbed much of my writ­ing and read­ing time since, but how excit­ing it’s been! Of course learn­ing new com­put­er pro­grammes has been chal­leng­ing but now that my son has set me up with some […]

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I’m not surprised.

Mar 10th, 2010

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Just found my notes on an inter­est­ing LA Times blog from Feb­ru­ary 23rd 2010, relat­ing that par­ents don’t see the ear­ly (in the first year) signs of autism. (No mat­ter how hard I try I can’t seem to get the web link to work right now! You’ll have to copy and paste): In my experience […]

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