I real­ly don’t think so! How­ev­er, I am learn­ing the lin­go of tweet­ing and it’s all quite amus­ing. So here’s my pseu­do-tweet for today from one moth­er to anoth­er (I just learned that ‘OH’ means overheard!):

OH: You know the milk (breast milk) goes when you intro­duce sol­id food.

Oh give me a break! I told every­one who heard that com­ment: “The milk doesn’t go when you start sol­id food”! The igno­rance in care­giv­ing, from par­ents or car­ers, just con­tin­ues to blow me away.

Just exact­ly what’s hap­pen­ing to the babies of long time nurs­ing moth­ers? Some chil­dren won’t go onto sol­id foods until they are a year old so as to steer well clear of aller­gies. The major­i­ty of all chil­dren will show an inter­est in sol­id food once they can sit up and it’s entire­ly up to a par­ent as to how much sol­id food they intro­duce, what they intro­duce and when.

If a moth­er stops offer­ing the breast for nurs­ing because either she’s too busy, gone back to work or wants to wean the child, then obvi­ous­ly the milk sup­ply will dwin­dle accordingly.

I have seen per­fect­ly healthy breast­fed 2 year olds, on sol­id food, who are able to find enough breast milk morn­ing and evening to sat­is­fy their needs.

I should say that the per­son who said ‘the milk stop­s’ was, at the time her milk appar­ent­ly ‘stopped’, a stressed, harassed and hur­ried lawyer, moth­er of a 4 month old, going back to work and then, impul­sive­ly, open­ing her own day­care to pro­vide for her child (who was then cared for by a mul­ti­tude of ever-chang­ing car­ers!) – all with­in the first six months of his life! 

The moth­er who is still breast­feed­ing her 4‑month-old pumps plen­ty of milk to keep him sup­plied dur­ing the day so she has no rea­son to stop now! Fur­ther­more she has a pedi­a­tri­cian who has advised “no solids before 6 month­s” — how cool is that for a change?

I should also men­tion that her old­est child is doing amaz­ing­ly well, in every regard, at 20 months or so. If she is an exam­ple of how these par­ents do their job then I would encour­age them all the way!

See why I can’t tweet? They’d track me down!