Monthly Archives: December 2013

DIY Rant

Dec 1st, 2013

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In late Sep­tem­ber the week’s chal­lenge (par for the course this year!) was: what do you do when your wash­ing machine won’t spin out and drain? Glad it wasn’t my clothes! My dear hus­band had to drag his sod­den clothes to the bath­room to rinse them by hand and ring them out — then they […]

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Dec 1st, 2013

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This just isn’t my time of year! Even though I’ve lived here in Amer­i­ca for near­ly 41 years and been mar­ried to the same per­son for all that time, this is still not ‘my’ hol­i­day. You see, I spent our first wed­ding anniver­sary (yes, we were mar­ried on Novem­ber 25th because my hus­band thought it […]

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