Monthly Archives: October 2011

Effects Of Pain And Trauma

Oct 29th, 2011

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From a per­son­al view­point I still recall those teach­ers and fam­i­ly mem­bers who treat­ed me with great kind­ness. I am for­tu­nate that, by and large, my whole fam­i­ly was warm and car­ing, albeit some­times emo­tion­al­ly reserved – typ­i­cal­ly Eng­lish? I can­not say the same for the many teach­ers I’ve encoun­tered in my life­time. It is […]

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Oct 16th, 2011

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Just say­ing: If we hold own­ers respon­si­ble for the behav­iour of their pets why don’t we hold par­ents respon­si­ble for the behav­iour of their young chil­dren? Just saying.

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The Therapeutic Parent

Oct 16th, 2011

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What makes some par­ents bet­ter than oth­ers? Why are some babies and young chil­dren so ‘togeth­er’? Just exact­ly what makes the dif­fer­ence in one child over anoth­er, regard­less of socio-eco­nom­ic sta­tus? May I tell you? It is impor­tant to note that what social sci­en­tists have long referred to as ‘socio-eco­nom­ic fac­tors’ (in oth­er words, you […]

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