A lit­tle over a week ago I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the most awe­some pro­gramme of my life. Sep­tem­ber marks 40 years since I start­ed my teacher train­ing (com­plet­ed in 1972) in Eng­land — against the odds but that’s anoth­er story! 

My recent inten­sive week study­ing the prac­ti­cal work of Hun­gar­i­ans Mag­da Ger­ber and Emmi Pik­ler as it relates to infants and tod­dlers (with a great deal of research thrown in for good mea­sure) sim­ply con­firmed what I have long thought about, act­ed upon and ulti­mate­ly writ­ten about on this blog.

The week was life chang­ing in every regard, from the peo­ple I met to the mate­ri­als and facts pre­sent­ed to us.

I believe I brought a bet­ter atti­tude to my work with the chil­dren I care for when I returned to work this past week. Just as well!

The day before I left for my course I was quite ready to walk out of our facil­i­ty. I’d screamed at one of my col­leagues due to her neglect­ful atti­tude towards the chil­dren. So I need­ed to be away for a while!

The stars were in fact aligned for my whole week — it was per­fect in every regard. 

Two of us saw the space shut­tle take off while stand­ing on a Flori­da beach on the Wednes­day evening, we swam and surfed in the Atlantic Ocean to cel­e­brate the safe lift off, we were tak­en on a sun­set boat ride along a fan­tas­tic riv­er near­by, I met awe­some col­leagues from north­ern, south­ern and coastal states of the US and even one per­son who came all the way from England!

We laughed and learned togeth­er and from these 13 ladies (a facil­i­ta­tor, her able assis­tant, me and 11 oth­er par­tic­i­pants, cur­rent­ly work­ing ‘in the trench­es’ as it were) I am inspired to make a greater dif­fer­ence with very young chil­dren who are con­signed to our day­care approx­i­mate­ly 50 weeks of the year.

Whether or not all staff mem­bers and our own­er will want to learn more I don’t care. At least I know that what I do is right to help these babies and tod­dlers become the best they can be.

Life is good and I’m writ­ing again!