Monthly Archives: July 2007

Making the Connection

Jul 31st, 2007

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There comes a time when you pick up a book and it just grabs you.  Such a book for me recent­ly has been “The Right to be Human” by Edward Hoff­man, a biog­ra­phy of Abra­ham Maslow, revised and updat­ed in 1999. The title alone hooked me while brows­ing a church fundrais­ing sale when I was in […]

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Little things mean a lot

Jul 31st, 2007

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I became inter­est­ed in design, brand­ing, adver­tis­ing and the like, many years ago when my hus­band and I com­piled the first US Edi­tion of Reed’s Nau­ti­cal Almanac. More recent­ly, design and brand­ing have become my son­s’ work and the most inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions ensue; some based on age and expe­ri­ence and oth­ers on mod­ern philoso­phies and […]

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‘Fishing’ off Costa Rica

Jul 30th, 2007

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Did you hear about the Tai­wanese fish­ing fleet that fish­es for sharks (and maybe oth­er sea crea­tures) using long lines off the coast of Cos­ta Rica? I too was aston­ished and the film­mak­er inter­viewed implied that such things were gen­er­al­ly hid­den from view.  Since Geog­ra­phy is my favourite sub­ject, just long extinct in US schools (per­haps as […]

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Just like a duck!

Jul 30th, 2007

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You know the phrase: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. I guess I have a big bold label on me say­ing – suck­er! Flags go up when each in turn your neigh­bours’ infants are con­stant­ly cry­ing (and you can hear them through closed win­dows); day after […]

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Incidental Teaching

Jul 26th, 2007

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As ever, I was for­ag­ing through use­ful pieces of infor­ma­tion the oth­er night. Most of my notes relate to learn­ing about autism in the past 4+ years and it was the term ‘Inci­den­tal Teach­ing’ that caught my eye. Inci­den­tal teach­ing doesn’t mean there’s no plan­ning on the part of the per­son teach­ing. Plans are made but within […]

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Point and shoot

Jul 22nd, 2007

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We fre­quent­ly use this term when talk­ing about pho­tog­ra­phy. I have been a point­er and shoot­er in my time. I’ve even used throw away cam­eras. But I was think­ing about how chil­dren learn to speak these days. From my own sur­vey 83% of mid­dle class chil­dren under 8 (with a ratio of 3:2 in favour […]

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I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles

Jul 22nd, 2007

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Yes it’s that sim­ple song which is near­ly 90 years old! But I was think­ing more about actu­al­ly blow­ing bub­bles. When my chil­dren were very young I found a fan­tas­tic big bub­ble mak­er. You had a buck­et of soap mix out­side and they could run around the gar­den mak­ing big bub­bles and long bub­bles â€“ […]

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Taking the ‘mal’ out of malnutrition

Jul 13th, 2007

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Whoops! – Where does that leave me writ­ing my blog at ‘mal’-ipunations!!! What are ‘ipunations’ any­way? Phew! I think it’s OK because malipuna­tions is just a made up word!  A recent British study sug­gests that with ris­ing obe­si­ty rates mil­lions of Britons may also be suf­fer­ing from ‘mal’-nutrition. The pre­fix ‘mal’ in ‘mal’-nutrition is from the […]

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Back to the future?

Jul 12th, 2007

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I am cur­rent­ly read­ing “Neill of Sum­mer­hill – the Per­ma­nent Rebel” by Jonathan Croall. I don’t know how much of A. S. Neill’s work and phi­los­o­phy I under­stood when I was at col­lege in the late 60’s/early 70’s. What I do know is that I’ve known for a long time, as did he, that infants […]

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Food for thought #2

Jul 11th, 2007

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Have you heard?  Chi­na exe­cut­ed a for­mer direc­tor of its food and drug agency yes­ter­day. Does any­one know if we get any ingre­di­ents for our vac­cines from Chi­na? One US fam­i­ly tried to live for a whole year with­out buy­ing any­thing that was import­ed from Chi­na. The wife even wrote a book about their expe­ri­ence. Her children […]

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