I became inter­est­ed in design, brand­ing, adver­tis­ing and the like, many years ago when my hus­band and I com­piled the first US Edi­tion of Reed’s Nau­ti­cal Almanac.

More recent­ly, design and brand­ing have become my son­s’ work and the most inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions ensue; some based on age and expe­ri­ence and oth­ers on mod­ern philoso­phies and knowledge.

In the August 2007 issue of Bet­ter Homes and Gar­dens the edi­tor com­ment­ed that although the redesign of the mag­a­zine last spring had been well accept­ed, many requests had been received for the return of the icon that des­ig­nat­ed the end of an article!

It is sim­ply a tiny black and white out­line of a house!

A lit­tle thing meant a lot – and some­body actu­al­ly listened!