Monthly Archives: July 2009

Brilliant Experience!

Jul 26th, 2009

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A lit­tle over a week ago I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the most awe­some pro­gramme of my life. Sep­tem­ber marks 40 years since I start­ed my teacher train­ing (com­plet­ed in 1972) in Eng­land — against the odds but that’s anoth­er sto­ry!  My recent inten­sive week study­ing the prac­ti­cal work of Hun­gar­i­ans Mag­da Ger­ber and Emmi Pik­ler as it […]

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Did You Know?

Jul 26th, 2009

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There are actu­al­ly par­ents out there in the world who can’t take their 3 year old and their infant to the super­mar­ket, togeth­er? That was a con­ver­sa­tion I over­heard between sev­er­al moth­ers this week! I was aston­ished. Not that I haven’t heard it before. Peo­ple for whom I’ve worked in the past have told me “I […]

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