Monthly Archives: May 2007

Food for thought

May 23rd, 2007

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Does any­one know how much of our food is com­ing from Chi­na? I was in my local store the oth­er day and as is my cus­tom I checked the ‘country of orig­in’ of most of the prod­ucts I was con­tem­plat­ing buy­ing, in this case frozen bay scal­lops – farm raised in Chi­na. Need­less to say – or […]

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Simple Remedies

May 23rd, 2007

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There are sim­ple reme­dies for devel­op­men­tal delays (bar­ring phys­i­cal caus­es). This will astound many peo­ple, espe­cial­ly sci­en­tists, researchers, and career par­ents, to name a few. These high­ly intel­li­gent indi­vid­u­als, many of whom have chil­dren on the autism spec­trum, have the intel­li­gence and pow­er to learn what to do to allow their chil­dren to return to normal […]

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“Puddles are for splashing in, sticks are for picking up”

May 20th, 2007

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Imag­ine your life as a mod­ern child. Can you imag­ine it? Prob­a­bly not, because the oper­a­tive word in the sen­tence is ‘modern’. There is no child­hood any more. I know of few chil­dren who live an ear­ly life of free­dom, hap­pi­ness and good cheer. Par­ents aren’t choos­ing free­dom for their chil­dren – they are choos­ing a […]

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Non-maternal child care

May 15th, 2007

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Tell me why we even need such a phrase in our vocab­u­lary? It is of course that we live in a soci­ety where non-mater­­nal care has become the norm. The phrase comes up query­ing whether there is a sta­tis­ti­cal link between ear­ly non-mater­­nal care and autism, class­room behav­iour in lat­er years, devel­op­men­tal delays, speech delays, vocabulary […]

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Courage As A Primary Goal

May 3rd, 2007

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I seem to flip flop between being coura­geous and not. I am usu­al­ly more coura­geous when I have returned from Eng­land, as I have recent­ly. Per­haps I feel more valid when I’m there? I can usu­al­ly be very coura­geous for any­one in my fam­i­ly or close friends of any age. My ideas flow well and I […]

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