There are sim­ple reme­dies for devel­op­men­tal delays (bar­ring phys­i­cal caus­es). This will astound many peo­ple, espe­cial­ly sci­en­tists, researchers, and career par­ents, to name a few.

These high­ly intel­li­gent indi­vid­u­als, many of whom have chil­dren on the autism spec­trum, have the intel­li­gence and pow­er to learn what to do to allow their chil­dren to return to nor­mal development.

Aston­ish­ing isn’t it? But why shouldn’t high­ly edu­cat­ed indi­vid­u­als be able to learn what oth­er high­ly edu­cat­ed indi­vid­u­als claim they can do for those on the autism spectrum?

Of course there is some finan­cial sacrifice. 

A career par­ent might have to give up his or her job to learn some of the meth­ods to aid and heal their chil­dren. Autism writ­ers, researchers and sci­en­tists might have to give up their work to heal their own ASD child – just when autism research and PR is becom­ing more effi­cient­ly pub­li­cised by the var­i­ous ASD fundrais­ing arms.

The oth­er job loss­es would be in the spe­cial edu­ca­tion realm – school sys­tems would end up cut­ting back staffing, pri­vate pro­grams would be cut, uni­ver­si­ty and col­lege Spe­cial Edu­ca­tion Bach­e­lors and Mas­ters pro­grams would be cut back. 

There would be so many finan­cial cut­backs and yet the num­ber of chil­dren on the autism spec­trum could be remark­ably reduced — what a con­cept? An almost com­plete rever­sal of an ‘epi­dem­ic’, with­out phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal interventions!

But the big­ger ques­tion is – is ‘the sys­tem’ so pow­er­ful that we can nev­er change it? (We all know that the edu­ca­tion sys­tem in any west­ern coun­try is the biggest mon­ey churn­er – what a sales pitch we’ve been giv­en!). The ‘machine’ itself has so much pow­er it has for­got­ten its stat­ed pur­pose and pri­or­i­ty – teach­ing and hope­ful­ly edu­cat­ing our children!

With 20+ years of expe­ri­ence as a home edu­ca­tor, and hav­ing lit­er­al­ly hauled my hus­band out of a reha­bil­i­ta­tion cen­ter in a gur­ney after only 2 days (due to their obvi­ous inabil­i­ty to care for him), our fam­i­ly has always learned togeth­er. Just using our brains and intel­li­gence we’ve helped a ded­i­cat­ed hus­band and father rehab for 8 years – still improving! 

I now know even bet­ter that it is pos­si­ble to learn any­thing. Will­ing souls who real­ly care about their patients – my husband’s doc­tors and ther­a­pists – pass on every piece of infor­ma­tion to enable our fam­i­ly mem­bers to make a big dif­fer­ence. It can be done!

Some­how our cur­rent sys­tem of edu­ca­tion is teach­ing par­ents that they can do noth­ing, only spe­cial­ists can teach their chil­dren and those spe­cial­ists need to be paid for, either by insur­ance com­pa­nies or the gov­ern­ment. There is no self-help any more, no self education.

I have met young col­lege trained ‘experts’ with Mas­ters degrees (but no chil­dren of their own!!) who are teach­ing class­es to par­ents on ‘How to toi­let train your ASD child’. I don’t dis­pute that the wis­dom con­tained in that class was accu­rate and valu­able. But the tone of the class did­n’t appear to give par­ents the idea that they could teach their own. At the end of the class par­ents were pas­sive­ly yet des­per­ate­ly ask­ing “How soon can you come to my house and toi­let train my ASD child”. By the way, there was no charge for the vis­it if the child is diag­nosed ASD — who was fund­ing the ser­vice? A gov­ern­ment grant to the uni­ver­si­ty run­ning the class!!! The class and ser­vice were all part of the ‘machine’!

But real­ly now, can any­one who is sim­ply book learned know how a child tru­ly develops?

Par­ents have become lazy and want an ‘expert’ to come to their house to fix their prob­lem child. They will bring in experts on toi­let train­ing or oth­er behav­iour­al issues. My obser­va­tions show that par­ents are total­ly unwill­ing to com­pro­mise or learn the tasks need­ed to aid their children.

No career is that impor­tant, no amount of rehab­bing your home, redesign­ing your kitchen or going to the mall can be that impor­tant – surely??

It’s time we revert­ed to sim­ple reme­dies – I have the key. Any­one can email me and we can arrange a consultation. 

My real issue is whether or not I should be paid for my sim­ple remedies.