There are simple remedies for developmental delays (barring physical causes). This will astound many people, especially scientists, researchers, and career parents, to name a few.
These highly intelligent individuals, many of whom have children on the autism spectrum, have the intelligence and power to learn what to do to allow their children to return to normal development.
Astonishing isn’t it? But why shouldn’t highly educated individuals be able to learn what other highly educated individuals claim they can do for those on the autism spectrum?
Of course there is some financial sacrifice.
A career parent might have to give up his or her job to learn some of the methods to aid and heal their children. Autism writers, researchers and scientists might have to give up their work to heal their own ASD child – just when autism research and PR is becoming more efficiently publicised by the various ASD fundraising arms.
The other job losses would be in the special education realm – school systems would end up cutting back staffing, private programs would be cut, university and college Special Education Bachelors and Masters programs would be cut back.
There would be so many financial cutbacks and yet the number of children on the autism spectrum could be remarkably reduced — what a concept? An almost complete reversal of an ‘epidemic’, without pharmaceutical interventions!
But the bigger question is – is ‘the system’ so powerful that we can never change it? (We all know that the education system in any western country is the biggest money churner – what a sales pitch we’ve been given!). The ‘machine’ itself has so much power it has forgotten its stated purpose and priority – teaching and hopefully educating our children!
With 20+ years of experience as a home educator, and having literally hauled my husband out of a rehabilitation center in a gurney after only 2 days (due to their obvious inability to care for him), our family has always learned together. Just using our brains and intelligence we’ve helped a dedicated husband and father rehab for 8 years – still improving!
I now know even better that it is possible to learn anything. Willing souls who really care about their patients – my husband’s doctors and therapists – pass on every piece of information to enable our family members to make a big difference. It can be done!
Somehow our current system of education is teaching parents that they can do nothing, only specialists can teach their children and those specialists need to be paid for, either by insurance companies or the government. There is no self-help any more, no self education.
I have met young college trained ‘experts’ with Masters degrees (but no children of their own!!) who are teaching classes to parents on ‘How to toilet train your ASD child’. I don’t dispute that the wisdom contained in that class was accurate and valuable. But the tone of the class didn’t appear to give parents the idea that they could teach their own. At the end of the class parents were passively yet desperately asking “How soon can you come to my house and toilet train my ASD child”. By the way, there was no charge for the visit if the child is diagnosed ASD — who was funding the service? A government grant to the university running the class!!! The class and service were all part of the ‘machine’!
But really now, can anyone who is simply book learned know how a child truly develops?
Parents have become lazy and want an ‘expert’ to come to their house to fix their problem child. They will bring in experts on toilet training or other behavioural issues. My observations show that parents are totally unwilling to compromise or learn the tasks needed to aid their children.
No career is that important, no amount of rehabbing your home, redesigning your kitchen or going to the mall can be that important – surely??
It’s time we reverted to simple remedies – I have the key. Anyone can email me and we can arrange a consultation.
My real issue is whether or not I should be paid for my simple remedies.