Monthly Archives: July 2011

Native Languages

Jul 27th, 2011

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I find that when I’m speak­ing to an Eng­lish per­son or writ­ing, I hope still in my own lan­guage, I feel much more flu­ent. Yet only recent­ly have I come to think of Eng­lish as my native lan­guage. It is inter­est­ing to note that the major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans wouldn’t be aware that I was speaking […]

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A Child’s Point Of View

Jul 17th, 2011

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I remem­ber lying in my cot; I was about a year old. The lady who cared for me was kind­ly but I didn’t know her that well. The lead teacher in the small school my mum­my had just opened in our house had told the lady car­ing for me: “Put Peter to sleep, he’s tired”. […]

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Personality Differences: Are You Resilient or Melodramatic?

Jul 10th, 2011

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It just seems to me that those peo­ple who are the most resilient in life have some­how had good sol­id under­pin­nings from birth onwards. I can real­ly start with my own fam­i­ly. I see my adult chil­dren as very resilient and I feel cer­tain that the start we gave them enabled them to have a […]

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‘Designing Your Child’ — What’s Your Plan?

Jul 3rd, 2011

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I sup­pose I’m for­tu­nate, my idea of ‘design­ing’ (albeit I’ve nev­er used that term until now!) my chil­dren had to do with what hap­pened to their brains, not their fash­ion­able ‘costumes’. Now, I may have failed in some aspects of their upbring­ing (I usu­al­ly ques­tion my choices/decisions dai­ly!) but I cer­tain­ly know that their brains […]

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