Monthly Archives: July 2010

Heeeere We Go Again!

Jul 11th, 2010

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I wrote these words 7 months ago. Young cou­ple with two careers, brand new house, bare­ly mar­ried a year and guess what…they get a pup­py. “So cute” says every­one, and yet…he will be put in a cage five days a week from now onwards. What oth­er choice is there? So tell me what’s the dif­fer­ence? A […]

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What’s The Difference?

Jul 11th, 2010

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The dif­fer­ence lies with par­ents. There I’ve said it! Many peo­ple will say “that’s not an excuse” when speak­ing of the affect of their upbring­ing on the behav­iour of adults (with or with­out chil­dren) now in their 20’s and 30’s, but it is still true.  Par­ents lay the foun­da­tion, good or bad, when they choose how […]

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