Monthly Archives: October 2007

Consciously Learning All The Time

Oct 25th, 2007

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‘Learn­ing All The Time’ was the title of John Holt’s last book, com­plet­ed after his death using mate­r­i­al he orig­i­nal­ly wrote for my ear­ly home edu­ca­tion ‘bible’, the newslet­ter called Grow­ing With­out School­ing. With the right atti­tude of mind you too can be ‘learning all the time’ no mat­ter what your age, despite going to […]

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Take charge of your children – you’re the parent!

Oct 24th, 2007

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Can you stop your child from doing some­thing you think is unsafe with­out using the word ‘no’? Here are some ideas I’ve used: Does your child show extra­or­di­nary curios­i­ty when you plug in the vac­u­um? (In your mind he is ‘trying to put his fin­gers in the sock­et­s’). Did it ever occur to you to […]

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Crabby dog, crabby child? — Crabby ‘parents’?

Oct 18th, 2007

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I can’t count the num­ber of times I’ve been in house­holds with noisy, irri­ta­ble and tem­pera­men­tal pets.  In just about every case the tem­pera­ment of the pets par­al­lels the irri­tabil­i­ty of the ‘parents’ – usu­al­ly with each oth­er! Then they top it all off by hav­ing chil­dren (usu­al­ly they get a dog and then decide to have […]

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“Why do we read?”

Oct 11th, 2007

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This ques­tion was posed to a small group of eight of us at a col­lege tuto­r­i­al. The tutor had been teach­ing at the col­lege for many years and must have remained so clois­tered in her aca­d­e­m­ic world that she didn’t know what was going on in the ‘big wide world’ out­side! At 23 and having […]

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This really stinks!

Oct 8th, 2007

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Why does a can of Green Giant sliced mush­rooms state that it’s from Indone­sia and yet a sim­i­lar size can of Del Monte beets doesn’t state the coun­try of ori­gin?  But then nei­ther does the super­mar­ket brand of beets!  Should I real­ly be check­ing up on the coun­try of ori­gin of major ‘trusted’ US brands of […]

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Oct 1st, 2007

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*Dis­claimer – I’m not a doc­tor, nurse or dieti­cian* Don’t com­plain about anoth­er acronym to remem­ber – this one’s easy! D – Diet E – Exer­cise R – Reduce stress T – Ten­der Lov­ing Care Check out every­one you know who has: chil­dren with devel­op­men­tal or behav­iour­al issues, rel­a­tives with Alzheimer’s, peo­ple going through post sur­gi­cal rehab, […]

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Fine Quilts from Alabama

Oct 1st, 2007

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I may have men­tioned that I have a won­der­ful friend who has already made me two fine quilts – they would be ‘Fine quilts from Nebraska’! She has said that she has quilts for each of my sons ‘in the work­s’ – how lucky can we get? Thus the top­ic of quilts and sewing often comes […]

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Moving forward?

Oct 1st, 2007

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My ‘forward motion’ (in life) seems to have stalled of late. I don’t feel I am in a posi­tion to com­plain to my friends – just about every­one had one trau­ma or anoth­er last month alone, with a cou­ple more com­ing up this month!  But I do need to feel I am mov­ing for­ward with my life. […]

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