I may have men­tioned that I have a won­der­ful friend who has already made me two fine quilts – they would be ‘Fine quilts from Nebraska’! She has said that she has quilts for each of my sons ‘in the work­s’ – how lucky can we get?

Thus the top­ic of quilts and sewing often comes into our phone con­ver­sa­tions or let­ters (we do snail mail not email). 

A year or so ago the Post Office issued a fine set of stamps show­ing some of the Gee’s Bend Quilts. I loved those stamps; loved putting them on envelopes to spe­cial friends. Regret­tably I didn’t keep a set for posterity.

My Nebras­ka friend had told me of her trip to Hous­ton, Texas, where she had seen the Gee’s Bend Quilts on exhib­it there. She raved about them. Then I came home from my trip to Eng­land and my hus­band said “Check out this news­pa­per arti­cle I saved you on quilts”.

Two weeks ago I had the priv­i­lege of see­ing the Gee’s Bend Quilts at our local art muse­um. I just can’t say enough about this oppor­tu­ni­ty. The quilts filled the exhib­it hall. You had to view the quilts close-up and from a dis­tance to enjoy every aspect of each quilt.

Obvi­ous­ly the desire to touch had to be resist­ed, but the tex­tures of all the fab­rics were remark­able. I loved the vari­ety of fab­rics – from cor­duroy to den­im to flour sacks to old shirts and dun­ga­rees – noth­ing was wast­ed by the Gee’s Bend ladies. 

To quote one of the quilt ladies of Gee’s Bend “We made the quilts to keep war­m” – they weren’t think­ing of earn­ing a liv­ing or mak­ing a prof­it. They worked at their var­i­ous jobs dur­ing the day and came togeth­er in the evenings to make quilts.

It was one of my most mem­o­rable trips to our local art muse­um. Dare I say even bet­ter than the Tutanka­men exhib­it last year? Bet­ter for me at any rate.

I am inspired to cre­ate a small quilt, even a pil­low top, in the style of the Gee’s Bend quilts. Yet anoth­er idea to spur me forward!

Ready or not — here I come!