Author Archives: admin

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If Day Care is So Good…

Why don’t chil­dren from the inner city speak more clear­ly in high school? Why don’t foot­ball play­ers, even those who are attend­ing major col­leges, speak bet­ter? Why does it appear to have become the norm in Eng­land to say ‘wiv’ instead of ‘with’. Why is it that chil­dren from many mid­dle class homes AREN’T learning […]

Can “mediocre” childcare cause speech delays?

I’m not just refer­ring to cheap child­care. Even child­care that is expen­sive and pur­ports to offer ‘spe­cial’ meth­ods can still be mediocre.  Parental care can be mediocre even when the par­ent is oth­er­wise well qual­i­fied in their pro­fes­sion­al field like ele­men­tary school teach­ers, or when the par­ent titles them­selves an ‘at home moth­er’ or an […]

The Dyzniphication of Young Girls’ Minds

In the light of women’s so-called lib­er­a­tion I have been per­turbed by the over­whelm­ing num­ber of fan­tas­magor­i­cal films that very young girls watch – those under 10 for sure, and often under 5 years of age!  Mar­riage, romance (hand­some prince) and even sex are ide­alised. Even to the point that for Hal­loween the father dress­es as […]

All In One Fine Day

On being around trop­i­cal plants, young peo­ple, deli­cious French pas­tries and his­to­ry — all com­bined in one fine day!  Sev­er­al months ago I was talk­ing to my neighbour’s 20-some­thing daugh­ter about orchids. A friend at work has been giv­ing her cut­tings from his orchids – how lucky is she? So, with her sis­ter, she is learn­ing to […]

It’s the parents, stupid!

Hard­ly a day goes by when I don’t put two and two togeth­er and come up with – it’s the par­ents, stu­pid! Ear­li­er this year it was report­ed in the press that a 12-year-old boy was left in charge of a 17-month-old and anoth­er child, aged about 10. News­pa­per reports have yet to state whether […]

End of One Era

When spe­cial peo­ple die it’s the end of an era. That per­son need not be a close fam­i­ly mem­ber or friend, it can sim­ply be a favourite author, as hap­pened to me the oth­er week. The diver­si­ty of authors and books (espe­cial­ly non-Amer­i­­can would you believe?!), the top­ics, fic­tion but most­ly non-fic­­tion, I have read in […]

It’s those priorities again, stupid!

This phrase comes to my mind almost every day, with my own fam­i­ly and with the fam­i­lies of the chil­dren I know and I care for. The father of the lit­tle girl who came to my house vir­tu­al­ly 5 days a week until she was 4 years old, told me, very casu­al­ly, years ago “isn’t that […]

Writing Now Takes Time!

You might even say ‘thinking takes time’ too. I’m now real­ly grate­ful that I wasn’t work­ing last year and had the time to focus my atten­tion on this blog on a reg­u­lar basis and get­ting my years of thoughts some­what organ­ised and some of them in print. Now that ‘regular writ­ing’ isn’t the norm in my […]


I’ve fan­ta­sized since I start­ed post­ing over a year ago about hav­ing a ‘blog of note’, at least when it came to its design. Whether the posts match up to the com­plete redesign is up for debate! Dan Rubin is my design­er of note. This Christ­mas present from him three months ago was some­thing totally […]

The Daycared Bunch (originally written in January!)

The major miss­ing link for any child in day­care is a lov­ing and long-term rela­tion­ship with a spe­cif­ic car­er (obvi­ous­ly not the moth­er). The sec­ondary miss­ing link is the arti­fi­cial nature of almost every­thing a child learns and the words they hear.  Thus the impov­er­ished nature of the speech and com­pre­hen­sion of so many chil­dren under […]