You might even say ‘thinking takes time’ too. I’m now real­ly grate­ful that I wasn’t work­ing last year and had the time to focus my atten­tion on this blog on a reg­u­lar basis and get­ting my years of thoughts some­what organ­ised and some of them in print.

Now that ‘regular writ­ing’ isn’t the norm in my life – work has tak­en over – I’m glad that I have a bank of arti­cles in my file, sit­ting there wait­ing patient­ly to be reread and revised if nec­es­sary. I just need to start post­ing them!

My work in a ‘daycare for the elite’ work­ing most­ly with babies under one year of age (that’s my pas­sion) has sim­ply con­firmed most of my thoughts and writ­ings before I even had this expe­ri­ence! Today one of my col­leagues said that her expe­ri­ence work­ing in an impov­er­ished day­care was no dif­fer­ent from where we are now – she thought it would be better.

Most par­ents haven’t a clue what hap­pens to their babies dai­ly. We are offer­ing very kind­ly and lov­ing care, prob­a­bly more than the chil­dren are offered by their par­ents in what lit­tle time they spend with them, and of course we are paid ‘beans’ and not real­ly respect­ed for the work we do that par­ents no longer want to do.

As a result of my ded­i­ca­tion to my work life, my read­ing has been focused on the work of Maria Montes­sori and oth­ers of her ilk and I have been try­ing to deci­pher where my phi­los­o­phy dif­fers from theirs – it real­ly doesn’t.

Writ­ing has tak­en a back­seat for the time being but I hope soon to enlight­en you as to the real world of full time US day­care for babies, tod­dlers with devel­op­men­tal delays attend­ing day­care and chil­dren adopt­ed from for­eign coun­tries who are quick­ly con­signed to day­care, whether or not the class­room teacher and oth­er staff mem­bers think day­care is appro­pri­ate for their devel­op­ment and adjustment.

Breath­ing space to write is some­thing I’m still work­ing on.

To my trusty read­ers – thanks for your patience!