Author Archives: admin

This is some text.

Self Education

I had an inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion with my eldest son yes­ter­day. Involved as Dan is in the world of the web and design he is now in demand (around the world!) as a speak­er. This from some­one who only spent one year in school and per­haps 6 semes­ters in col­lege! Dan recent­ly gave a 5‑minute talk […]

The Physical Care of Babies and Toddlers

Those of you who have read this blog, albeit inter­mit­tent­ly writ­ten in recent months, know that my main focus is the care, neu­rotyp­i­cal devel­op­ment and edu­ca­tion of all chil­dren. That being said I have a grave con­cern about the actu­al dai­ly phys­i­cal care that babies and tod­dlers receive from their par­ents and car­ers. Yes­ter­day I […]

Heeeere We Go Again!

I wrote these words 7 months ago. Young cou­ple with two careers, brand new house, bare­ly mar­ried a year and guess what…they get a pup­py. “So cute” says every­one, and yet…he will be put in a cage five days a week from now onwards. What oth­er choice is there? So tell me what’s the dif­fer­ence? A […]

What’s The Difference?

The dif­fer­ence lies with par­ents. There I’ve said it! Many peo­ple will say “that’s not an excuse” when speak­ing of the affect of their upbring­ing on the behav­iour of adults (with or with­out chil­dren) now in their 20’s and 30’s, but it is still true.  Par­ents lay the foun­da­tion, good or bad, when they choose how […]

Read This Book!

If you are a par­ent, par­tic­u­lar­ly of an infant or tod­dler (you still have time to cor­rect any mis­takes in care­giv­ing!) or con­tem­plat­ing becom­ing a par­ent, for­get about all the child­birth or ear­ly years books you think you need and focus on just this book – it fore­casts what will hap­pen to your child if […]

Take Responsibility, Parents!

I know it’s unfash­ion­able to ‘blame’ par­ents for the behav­iour of their chil­dren but I think the time has come for every par­ent to accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for their chil­dren’s con­duct, even start­ing with a cry­ing infant. Let me be the first one to step up to the plate.  True con­fes­sions: After I’d spent five days in […]

Making the Connections

As I reflect more and more on group child­care I make con­nec­tions that appar­ent­ly no one else is mak­ing. I recent­ly googled ‘seizures’ again since a child in our facil­i­ty had fre­quent ‘febrile seizures’ a year or so ago and seemed to be mak­ing progress in many regards. Yet while I was away for 3 […]

Nationalised Healthcare for America?

Grow­ing up in Eng­land in my first 26 years, born imme­di­ate­ly post WWII, I was the recip­i­ent of excel­lent health care from the brand new British nation­alised health sys­tem, the NHS (Nation­al Health Ser­vice). There was always the option of pay­ing pri­vate­ly to have any surgery per­formed more prompt­ly and avoid­ing the NHS wait­ing list. […]

A Totally Different Topic

I’ve nev­er put this in writ­ing before — bras real­ly suck! Since Warn­ers dis­con­tin­ued my favourite bra of the last 10 years or more, I have been strug­gling to keep the last two going. One Sat­ur­day last month was the big day — and I do mean BIG! Do you know how big and ugly even small-size […]

Should I Tweet?

I real­ly don’t think so! How­ev­er, I am learn­ing the lin­go of tweet­ing and it’s all quite amus­ing. So here’s my pseu­­do-tweet for today from one moth­er to anoth­er (I just learned that ‘OH’ means over­heard!): OH: You know the milk (breast milk) goes when you intro­duce sol­id food. Oh give me a break! I told […]