Author Archives: admin

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A Child’s Point Of View

I remem­ber lying in my cot; I was about a year old. The lady who cared for me was kind­ly but I didn’t know her that well. The lead teacher in the small school my mum­my had just opened in our house had told the lady car­ing for me: “Put Peter to sleep, he’s tired”. […]

Personality Differences: Are You Resilient or Melodramatic?

It just seems to me that those peo­ple who are the most resilient in life have some­how had good sol­id under­pin­nings from birth onwards. I can real­ly start with my own fam­i­ly. I see my adult chil­dren as very resilient and I feel cer­tain that the start we gave them enabled them to have a […]

‘Designing Your Child’ — What’s Your Plan?

I sup­pose I’m for­tu­nate, my idea of ‘design­ing’ (albeit I’ve nev­er used that term until now!) my chil­dren had to do with what hap­pened to their brains, not their fash­ion­able ‘costumes’. Now, I may have failed in some aspects of their upbring­ing (I usu­al­ly ques­tion my choices/decisions dai­ly!) but I cer­tain­ly know that their brains […]

Communicating With & Caring About Your Baby

There are so many ways you can get your baby respond­ing to you. Babies respond best when they are face to face with you. This hap­pens every time you change their nap­py (dia­per) — so many oppor­tu­ni­ties every day for com­mu­ni­ca­tion in the ear­ly weeks of life! Did you ever see a per­son with earplugs or […]

Have You Heard?

Read­ing (and writ­ing too) has gone out of fash­ion! It was final­ly con­firmed this week when a 60-some­thing recip­i­ent of one of my news update emails, rel­a­tive to both our fam­i­lies’ lives, stat­ed “I didn’t have time to read it so I for­ward­ed it to my daugh­­ter-in-law”. I won’t tell you how this recip­i­ent spends […]

Should We Be ‘Teaching’ A Foreign Language To Infants?

With so many tod­dlers and chil­dren under 5 (in my expe­ri­ence) show­ing seri­ous lan­guage delays (recep­tive and expres­sive) are we real­ly doing any­one a favour by try­ing to teach infants a for­eign lan­guage (from 9 months “when the synaps­es are at their opti­mum” as was recent­ly quot­ed to me). Our pro­gramme con­tains numer­ous chil­dren and their […]

Using Language With Babies

I’ve thought about this before: What makes my con­ver­sa­tions with babies dif­fer­ent from oth­er car­ers? Why have the babies and chil­dren I’ve cared for indi­vid­u­al­ly made excel­lent lin­guis­tic progress? This week I realised what makes the dif­fer­ence and how that exper­tise can be incor­po­rat­ed into a day­care sit­u­a­tion. When I’m hold­ing an old­er infant who […]

Happy Birthday Daniel!

On this date 33 years ago I gave birth to my first son – the minute he was born he was Daniel! Only in his adult life did he become Dan, Dan Rubin the design­er. How­ev­er, 33 years ago today my ear­ly child­hood learn­ing curve start­ed. It has been a fas­ci­nat­ing ride and to quote […]

There’s Just So Much You Can Do…

If par­ents don’t get what you’re talk­ing about and insist on plac­ing their tiny infants in var­i­ous types of con­tain­ers and also putting them in front of a TV screen when they are at home or in the car, we care­givers can no longer be respon­si­ble for their child’s devel­op­men­tal delays. Thus far we’ve had […]

Thieves of Freedom

Old cars that won’t start when you want them to! Boss­es who val­ue $$ above and beyond great employ­ees destroy­ing the high staff morale and capa­bli­ties the boss con­stant­ly tells his employ­ees he wants! Par­ents who care more about their cars, jobs, hair and fash­ion than they do their chil­dren. Boss­es who say one thing […]