Author Archives: admin

This is some text.

“Why do we read?”

This ques­tion was posed to a small group of eight of us at a col­lege tuto­r­i­al. The tutor had been teach­ing at the col­lege for many years and must have remained so clois­tered in her aca­d­e­m­ic world that she didn’t know what was going on in the ‘big wide world’ out­side! At 23 and having […]

This really stinks!

Why does a can of Green Giant sliced mush­rooms state that it’s from Indone­sia and yet a sim­i­lar size can of Del Monte beets doesn’t state the coun­try of ori­gin?  But then nei­ther does the super­mar­ket brand of beets!  Should I real­ly be check­ing up on the coun­try of ori­gin of major ‘trusted’ US brands of […]


*Dis­claimer – I’m not a doc­tor, nurse or dieti­cian* Don’t com­plain about anoth­er acronym to remem­ber – this one’s easy! D – Diet E – Exer­cise R – Reduce stress T – Ten­der Lov­ing Care Check out every­one you know who has: chil­dren with devel­op­men­tal or behav­iour­al issues, rel­a­tives with Alzheimer’s, peo­ple going through post sur­gi­cal rehab, […]

Fine Quilts from Alabama

I may have men­tioned that I have a won­der­ful friend who has already made me two fine quilts – they would be ‘Fine quilts from Nebraska’! She has said that she has quilts for each of my sons ‘in the work­s’ – how lucky can we get? Thus the top­ic of quilts and sewing often comes […]

Moving forward?

My ‘forward motion’ (in life) seems to have stalled of late. I don’t feel I am in a posi­tion to com­plain to my friends – just about every­one had one trau­ma or anoth­er last month alone, with a cou­ple more com­ing up this month!  But I do need to feel I am mov­ing for­ward with my life. […]

The Good Life

Just what exact­ly is the ‘good life’? The ‘good life’ real­ly comes from a point of view not from hav­ing lots of mate­r­i­al objects. If you val­ue most high­ly the times you spend with your fam­i­ly and friends, I think that’s the ‘good life’. Some peo­ple wait all their lives, until retire­ment, for what they […]

Losing sight of your children

Nev­er lose sight of your chil­dren! What I mean is – always keep them on your radar. In almost every instance of a child being ‘lost’ either phys­i­cal­ly or psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly one or both par­ents didn’t have them on their radar. Now the obvi­ous phys­i­cal way to ‘lose’ your child can be in a super­mar­ket or department […]

Who am I?

I nev­er think much about who I am. I cer­tain­ly don’t ver­balise it! But the time may be com­ing when I should ver­balise it and have it clear in my mind. As I wrote in my bio, I am a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent peo­ple. I’ve worn lots of hats in my time and I’m con­stant­ly searching […]

Teach a child to speak…

I am para­phras­ing the bib­li­cal admo­ni­tion to ‘teach a man to fish and…’ When we don’t con­scious­ly work on teach­ing our chil­dren, any child, to speak we are depriv­ing them of life itself. A child who can speak well can accom­plish more than a child who reads well – I know. I was a child […]

Gardens and Children

I’m using the Eng­lish ver­sion of the word ‘gardens’. An Eng­lish gar­den doesn’t just mean a veg­etable patch – it’s the whole thing, flow­ers, shrubs, trees and all. The Eng­lish word for chil­dren is…children! So that part’s not com­pli­cat­ed. I’ve been attend­ing our local sum­mer land­scap­ing class (good idea to have it inside with A/C at […]