I nev­er think much about who I am. I cer­tain­ly don’t ver­balise it!

But the time may be com­ing when I should ver­balise it and have it clear in my mind.

As I wrote in my bio, I am a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent peo­ple. I’ve worn lots of hats in my time and I’m con­stant­ly search­ing for the com­mon fac­tor between them all so that I could just wear one hat with confidence!

Not that life has ever been dull. I saw an old school friend in Eng­land this sum­mer. She has just retired, as has most of my gen­er­a­tion in Eng­land. I men­tioned that I would be job-hunt­ing when I got back here. She was puz­zled – why wasn’t I retiring?

Well of course that’s much too long a tale to tell again.

But what I’ve realised is that many peo­ple work their whole lives in order to do in retire­ment what they’ve been dream­ing about. I’ve done every­thing in reverse. I’m always glad that my father lead a full and inter­est­ing life because he died quite sud­den­ly at 68. 

Thanks to his exam­ple I’ve had the priv­i­lege of try­ing just about every­thing I could ever have want­ed to do with a pas­sion and only NOW must I find work that I HAVE to do – how lucky am I?

So, back to my hats!

I’ve been a teacher and a care­giv­er. I’ve sewn 19th Cen­tu­ry repli­cas of Semi­nole Indi­an gar­ments for their muse­um that are still on dis­play and were admired by rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Smith­son­ian, and now I’m a writer. 

I believe I’m a real­ly good per­son. When I work at my teach­ing, care­giv­ing, sewing or writ­ing I work hard­er and am more con­sci­en­tious than most peo­ple I know. I also hap­pen to have been suc­cess­ful in all my var­i­ous roles — there actu­al­ly are quite a few ‘successful prod­uct­s’ as proof – but my read­ers will have to decide about the writ­ing! (My hus­band is my proof­read­er and good at it too, but I think his opin­ion is like­ly to be biased!).

Who am I? I am all of the above and for­tu­nate to have fam­i­ly and friends of all ages who val­ue hav­ing me in their lives too.

All that’s miss­ing is more paid work!