Author Archives: admin

This is some text.

Plants and Children

My hus­band is always full of analo­gies to try and help me clar­i­fy my thoughts – usu­al­ly they relate to the ear­ly care of babies and young chil­dren. I’ve found an anal­o­gy of my own! Last week I was talk­ing to an old friend who is car­ing for her step-grand­­daugh­­ter. She has nev­er had children […]


Can ‘control’ issues cause ail­ments, dis­ease or devel­op­men­tal delays in infants, young chil­dren or adults, inhibit­ing heal­ing of many con­di­tions? I tru­ly believe it can hap­pen. It wasn’t until I got my moth­­er-in-law total­ly out of my life that I learned what retain­ing con­trol of one’s life could do to bet­ter the phys­i­cal body. She […]

The Calm Parent

This arti­cle is from my 2008 col­lec­tion of unpost­ed blogs. With time on my hands (some­thing for anoth­er post) to read those unpost­ed arti­cles it is very inter­est­ing for me to note that my opin­ions haven’t changed much in four years — per­haps you have noticed the same? But now to my sub­ject of that […]

Disorganised Mummy = Disorganised Baby

This is fre­quent­ly the sce­nario in my expe­ri­ence of ear­ly child­hood care when a moth­er isn’t suf­fi­cient­ly con­nect­ed with her baby from his ear­li­est days. ‘Bonding’ is often used to describe the con­nec­tion that moth­er and baby ought to have and many moth­ers use the term. How­ev­er, I don’t always see the mutu­al bond­ing that […]

Receptive Language + Trust + Continuity Of Quality Care

Recep­tive lan­guage, trust and con­ti­nu­ity of qual­i­ty care are three of the crit­i­cal build­ing blocks in the first year of life. If the child­care you give or pay for is of a high qual­i­ty the oth­er two ought to fall into place. The neu­rotyp­i­cal devel­op­ment of any one build­ing block does­n’t hap­pen with­out the presence […]

OK — We Love To Watch NCIS On CBS!

My hus­band and I real­ly enjoy watch­ing NCIS togeth­er, a sim­ple plea­sure born of the days when we were very depen­dent on stay­ing at home and watch­ing tele­vi­sion as our main source of enter­tain­ment. Some­how in the past few years we’ve become attached to the cast of char­ac­ters who’ve per­me­at­ed the show over its nine […]

Music As A Therapeutic Medium For All Ages

I now believe that if we teach­ers and par­ents of babies and young chil­dren began play­ing the music we love and the music that makes us tru­ly hap­py we could devel­op a life­time pas­sion for music in those chil­dren. I am assum­ing of course that the music you real­ly love is tune­ful and has an […]

‘Make Something You Love’

This is the trade­mark phrase of Brook­lyn Beta, a con­fer­ence held in Brook­lyn, NY each Octo­ber. 2012 will be its third year. The phrase refers to the apps and web designs the major­i­ty of atten­dees spend their days cre­at­ing. Some are just cre­at­ing for clients but are still striv­ing to affect the world in more […]

Music As Therapy

As adults some of us use music as our ther­a­py. If we are lucky it is a dai­ly occur­rence, no mat­ter if it’s play­ing an instru­ment, lis­ten­ing to a favourite CD or singing alone in the car (my pref­er­ence!). It is intense­ly per­son­al. I do not always find the music my hus­band plays in our […]

Critical Research! Wonderful News!

This is excit­ing, a devel­op­men­tal psy­chol­o­gist from Flori­da Atlantic Uni­ver­si­ty in Boca Raton, Flori­da, sug­gests that babies as young as 6 months are lip read­ers. My dai­ly work for 34 years has been to care for, observe and teach, babies from 6 weeks of age (from birth in the case of my own two sons!). […]