Author Archives: admin

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29 Days of Fun — Days 20–29

Days 20–29 are some­thing of a blur! Some­where in the mid­dle we went to a Rounders’ show on the west coast – an enjoy­able week­end break and always a plea­sure to hear them sing. Oth­er­wise it’s get­ting up – or should I say being called at 6.30, 6.35 and final­ly 6.40 a.m. to say that […]

29 Days of Fun ‑Days 18 & 19

As I write this we are already get­ting to the end of March. Due to my ear­ly ris­ing – 6.30 a.m. (not me at all!) each day for ‘work’ I have been pret­ty brain fried as far as writ­ing is con­cerned. How­ev­er by Day 18 I was antic­i­pat­ing my first day at work – the […]

29 Days of Fun — Day 17

It works! The the­o­ry for the month was to focus more on hav­ing fun each day and less on the anx­i­ety of how to find a job, espe­cial­ly one I real­ly liked. Today I got a call to start a new job in two days — work­ing with babies! How much more fun could one […]

29 Days of Fun — Days 13–16

Day 13 I end­ed today feel­ing as though I’d had no fun at all. Feel­ing more like a very poor slave in fact. No more to say about liv­ing in this coun­try except bit­ter words. Day 14 My day start­ed well – got called to my sub­sti­tute job at a lit­tle pre-school. Time to work a […]

29 Days of Fun — Days 9–12

Our gar­den club meet­ing didn’t start off so well yes­ter­day, although we were all enjoy­ing each other’s com­pa­ny. The per­son who was sup­posed to make con­tact to arrange for our meet­ing room to be opened had­n’t done her job!  For­tu­nate­ly a kind soul in an adja­cent build­ing offered us a meet­ing room – phew. Turned out […]

29 Days of Fun — Days 5–8

A walk – the day is gor­geous, the best that south Flori­da has to offer; beau­ti­ful blue skies and a love­ly breeze blow­ing. A lucky break is that some­one has already thrown out two clay pots onto their bulk trash pile – mine! Fun and it’s not 1 p.m. yet!! Day 6 Final­ly – I’ve got […]

February Theory — Day 1+

My youngest son came up with this the­o­ry. Life has­n’t been going too well for me so I’ve had to elim­i­nate neg­a­tive things (and some­times peo­ple!) that aren’t mak­ing a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to my life. He came up with “29 Days of Fun”. This month he’s been ask­ing me every day “What are you doing for […]

An Anniversary

Feb­ru­ary 15th actu­al­ly marked the one-year anniver­sary of start­ing this blog. I almost can’t believe I’ve made it this far. In some ways this year of writ­ing and post­ing has been ther­a­peu­tic. I have been job­less for 2 years now so I had to find a pur­pose. At least writ­ing every day has giv­en me a […]

Learning Naturally

As a pro­po­nent of learn­ing nat­u­ral­ly at home, at least for lit­tle ones, and for my own chil­dren find­ing that they learned bet­ter when ‘unschool­ing’ (a very nat­ur­al form of learn­ing), I was aston­ished to read recent­ly that researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Haifa in Israel  have ‘discovered’ that chil­dren with autism learn bet­ter in […]

Can ‘Friendships’ Run a Natural Course?

Last night I was dis­tressed to find myself even con­tem­plat­ing such a thought. Most of my friend­ships date back either to the ear­li­est days of my child­hood or vir­tu­al­ly every aspect, age, age group and stage of my life in between. Some of my friends were old­er and won­der­ful­ly loy­al to me, as I was […]