My youngest son came up with this the­o­ry. Life has­n’t been going too well for me so I’ve had to elim­i­nate neg­a­tive things (and some­times peo­ple!) that aren’t mak­ing a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to my life.

He came up with “29 Days of Fun”. This month he’s been ask­ing me every day “What are you doing for fun today?”

I’ve at least been writ­ing about fun each day – was I too busy to post? Maybe.

You’ll see that by Day 17 I got the desired result!

29 Days of Fun! — Day 1

Hor­ti­cul­tur­al Ther­a­py. That’s what I call it when I go out in my gar­den with no dead­lines and noth­ing in par­tic­u­lar in mind. 

It’s won­der­ful to just do some trim­ming of over­hang­ing branch­es. I even used my new present – a cord­less weed eater — light weight and it makes a big dif­fer­ence around pavers and edg­ing – my back gar­den may yet start to look tidy (my trusty lawn man ‘Speedy’ comes twice a month to mow and edge the front, just so our pub­lic side looks presentable!). 

All the cut­tings can be cleared out on bulk trash pick­up day next Thurs­day – that will give me a hard work­ing but fun day on Wednesday.

The oth­er ‘fun’ part about bulk trash day is check­ing what oth­ers deem their trash – usu­al­ly a trea­sure or two to find, just for the sake of looking!

I had a chance encounter with my new neigh­bour who yelled “Hi Helen” across the fence and we exchanged “What a love­ly day to be outside”.

Our sub­sti­tute mail­man com­ment­ed that it was a good day to be doing the trim­ming. When he returned with a pack­age for us I told him I’d be hap­py to share plants with him if he was inter­est­ed – there then ensued a 20-minute con­ver­sa­tion about grow­ing plants in Flori­da! He’s third gen­er­a­tion Chi­nese from Boston!!

My final ‘fun’ con­ver­sa­tion today was with my neigh­bour’s daugh­ter. As she proud­ly showed me her uni­form coat I remind­ed her of the date of the local orchid soci­ety meet­ing – she was pleased.

I haven’t even reached sup­per time and I’ve had a ‘fun’ day, includ­ing see­ing peo­ple too!

Day 2

It’s always a fun day when the two of us can go on a trip togeth­er, have extend­ed time to talk and lis­ten to our sons’ CDs.

We had a light bite for lunch en route and then stopped at the neigh­bour­hood Star­bucks – a new tra­di­tion! – for cof­fee and cake.

In the after­noon we saw our sons’ bar­ber­shop quar­tet per­form – always a plea­sure even though only one son could make to the gig so they had a Tenor sub. The whole pro­gramme was sim­ple yet entertaining.

We had a late after­noon ride along our favourite Intra­coastal road – quite the best in Flori­da. So won­der­ful that I’m not even going to tell you where it is!! I’m keep­ing it for my own fun and plea­sure. Find your own!

The evening saw us at the sec­ond show and the after­glow with friends – always light­heart­ed – I come away with such warmth around me and a big smile on my face.

We got home at 3 a.m. pooped but happy!

Day 3

How much bet­ter could it get? 

Today we cel­e­brat­ed 27 years since our youngest son was born. When he called us our day just increased in fun and happiness!

Sports fan that he is we are invit­ed for Super­bowl Sun­day at his place. The usu­al munchies and chat­ter, but we’ll all be togeth­er – how much more fun could there be in one day for us?

Day 4

Did I have fun? I think I did! Gar­den work is fun for me albeit hard work today. But I did trans­plant a cou­ple of small shrubs and water them in, then root pruned anoth­er plant to pre­pare for pot­ting on and giv­ing to a friend – but the most fun is watch­ing my youngest son direct the bar­ber­shop cho­rus – an unan­tic­i­pat­ed evening bonus!

When I lis­ten and look at my youngest child, at just 27, stand­ing as direc­tor in front of so many 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80-some­things, mak­ing them sing well, and smile while doing so, I ful­ly under­stand what ‘fun’ means.

29 Days of Fun — to be continued…