Author Archives: admin

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User Experience (UX) — An ‘Across The Board’ Perspective

There’s hard­ly an arti­cle I read that’s com­put­er relat­ed that does­n’t res­onate with me on many lev­els. I’m not a com­put­er geek but I some­how clear­ly see a rela­tion­ship between what we hope to find in our user expe­ri­ence on the web or in apps, and my world, which is Ear­ly Child­hood Devel­op­ment. Cohe­sive User […]

DIY Rant

In late Sep­tem­ber the week’s chal­lenge (par for the course this year!) was: what do you do when your wash­ing machine won’t spin out and drain? Glad it wasn’t my clothes! My dear hus­band had to drag his sod­den clothes to the bath­room to rinse them by hand and ring them out — then they […]


This just isn’t my time of year! Even though I’ve lived here in Amer­i­ca for near­ly 41 years and been mar­ried to the same per­son for all that time, this is still not ‘my’ hol­i­day. You see, I spent our first wed­ding anniver­sary (yes, we were mar­ried on Novem­ber 25th because my hus­band thought it […]

One of My Favourite Sunday Morning Greetings!

“Hey Helen…” from Brain Pick­ings’ Newslet­ter – so ably writ­ten by Maria Popo­va. From yesterday’s selec­tion of reviews Maria has a sec­tion on The Mag­ic of Metaphor This is so inter­est­ing — on my usu­al theme of babies and young chil­dren. I would agree that chil­dren might not under­stand what it means to be […]

No.5 What Do You Know About…Children’s toys?

In the 21st Cen­tu­ry with more women work­ing and every par­ent well over­loaded with respon­si­bil­i­ties, can you believe that some toys – like things that dan­gle from car seats and strollers (even some baby clothes!) are not 100% machine wash­able and dry-able?! What is going on with the com­pa­nies that make these prod­ucts? I looked […]

No.4 What Do You Know About…The Hurricane Season?

Hur­ri­cane Sea­son offi­cial­ly starts on June 1st and ends Novem­ber 30th. You real­ly need to know that the Nation­al Hur­ri­cane Cen­ter, thank­ful­ly for us based in Mia­mi, has some of the most knowl­edge­able and expe­ri­enced employ­ees you could want on your side — most are ‘lif­ers’! Which is why many of us here in South […]

No.3 What Do You Know About…The Volkswagen?

Last spring I read a cool and not so small book called Think­ing Small by Andrea Hiott. It’s the his­to­ry of the Volk­swa­gen bug. Some of you may recall that I am the proud own­er of a very rusty, then in the garage for a clutch prob­lem, now wait­ing for its bat­tery to be recharged, […]

No.2 What Do You Know About…Montessori?

This ‘What Do You Know About…?’ series might not be so inter­mit­tent! I’ve been back through my spring notes and find there’s a lot wait­ing for me to post. My first encounter with Maria Montessori’s work was when I was at teacher train­ing col­lege in Eng­land in the late 60’s and ear­ly 70’s. Her philosophies […]

No.1 In A Series: “What Do You Know About…Reiki?

What do you know about Rei­ki? This is the first in what will be an inter­mit­tent series of posts in the ‘What Do You Know About…?” cat­e­go­ry. In ear­ly May I had my first Rei­ki ses­sion. A col­league from my pre­vi­ous job is a Rei­ki Prac­ti­tion­er and gave me a free ses­sion as a Christmas […]

21st Century Slaves

Seen any late­ly? They’re right in front of you every day — the best exam­ples I can give are the peo­ple who so cheer­ful­ly take care of your babies in their day­care and the peo­ple who cheer­ful­ly serve you at your neigh­bour­hood cof­fee shop. That’s me and my hus­band!  I’ll agree that we’re paid slightly […]