Category Archives: Uncategorized
I’m posting again! As I mentioned in my last post of 2009 I started a college course in January. It has absorbed much of my writing and reading time since, but how exciting it’s been! Of course learning new computer programmes has been challenging but now that my son has set me up with some […]
I’m not surprised.
Just found my notes on an interesting LA Times blog from February 23rd 2010, relating that parents don’t see the early (in the first year) signs of autism. (No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get the web link to work right now! You’ll have to copy and paste): In my experience […]
Can’t Believe It!
I’ve just passed the 300 mark of columns in my blog file — of course you haven’t been privy to everything I’ve written, some are better than others. Some days I’m just ranting and letting off steam (which is why those articles stay private!). On other days I try hard to rein in my thoughts […]
A Specialist With A Child With…
I have discovered yet another specialist in autism who became an expert in the subject following her daughter’s diagnosis. She was a qualified physician who went on to specialize in…autism. My theory (reinforced on at least a monthly basis) has become: those with careers, or their own lives as their priority, often are the parents […]
Gesturing Increases Toddler Vocabulary
I have long thought that simple gestures explain more clearly to very young children what response you are expecting from them. I got excellent feedback for my daily efforts at the daycare where I work when a 20 month-old, who I consider one of my ‘rescue’ babies, sat at a table reading a truck book […]
Joint Attention
Because the work I do with very young children is so well integrated within the child and its daily life when in a one-to-one care basis, I’ve rarely had to separate the terminology of each little facet of how it all comes together. I simply expect a child of 18 months to 2 years to […]
Usability — Infants and Children
With Dan Rubin as our family’s usability guru, we are hard pressed not to discuss his work as it relates to every aspect of our own daily lives! I think about usability and functionality every day at work. The children I care for range in age from infants to 3 years old. I usually work with […]
If I Told You:
A 2.5 year old boy rarely has eye contact with his carers, minimal receptive language, minimal joint attention, sensory issues (didn’t like having a bath), language is intermittent — mixed with some babble and not usually relevant except for when demanding (screaming for) a specific toy or junk food, or his pacifier from his mother. […]
Worst Suspicions Confirmed!
I have long been concerned about several aspects of the early development of young children. I feel, as you know, that TV should be banned for babies, as should any form of contraption such as activity centres and bouncing or jiggling baby seats. The other day I was discussing the development of a 9‑month-old baby with […]
The Stars Were Aligned!
Last Wednesday the glorious sunset as I looked west from a friend’s house, coupled with the full moon looming wonderfully large and low over the trees to the east when I returned home, got me thinking about this time of year, particularly as it relates to the last 10 years of my life. Have you ever […]