A 2.5 year old boy rarely has eye contact with his carers, minimal receptive language, minimal joint attention, sensory issues (didn’t like having a bath), language is intermittent — mixed with some babble and not usually relevant except for when demanding (screaming for) a specific toy or junk food, or his pacifier from his mother.
Seldom eats the food provided for him (by his parent) during his daycare day (where he has spent the last 2 years), frequently asks for water although he doesn’t always drink at mealtimes when it’s provided, has screaming tantrums when things don’t go his own way, frequently wakes from his naps screaming (nightmares?), was prone to seizures in his second year requiring fairly regular ER visits, tends to be violent in the words he does use (“I hate……”) and in his actions (such as elbowing his school ‘friends’ out of his way and poking them with a broom), and is not consistently cooperative in the daycare situation.
What would you think?
I think we have a severe case of multiple developmental delays.